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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d

Why I'm Voting Trump 2020 | An Entrepreneur's Perspective

Before you hate on me, hear me out first! In this quick video, I'm going to give you three reasons you should consider for 2020. I know that everyone has their own opinion on Trump and who they want to vote for, but a little education won't hurt. Watch on to learn more about why I choose to vote Trump in 2020!
00:19 Why I'm voting Trump
00:45 Business
01:58 Isolationism
03:20 Education

I'm voting Trump, 2020.

My name is John Crestani. I'm an entrepreneur out of California and I'm going to explain why I'm voting Trump and why you should too.

Let's get it. So, I'm voting Trump 2020 for 3 major reasons and I'm going to... I'm going to detail them out for you.

And I hope you can keep an open mind while listening to me here. But number one is business, number 2 is global policies. Number 3 is education.

You know, I'm a teacher actually. So, I'll explain how that kind of factors into everything then. But number 1 is business. And I believe Trump is making great deals. Many people look at him and see somebody who is sensationalist or crass. Or they say, "Oh, he's using bad words or he's being politically incorrect."

But what I've got to say to you is it's all a game, okay? It's a game. And it's called negotiation. And as an entrepreneur, I'm constantly negotiating deals. I know it's about leverage. It's about what one side knows or it's about...

MAGA Doctrine (Charlie Kirk) Editorial Reviews (RECOMMENDED)

You know it's a… you always got to trick the other side or at least a little bit in negotiation. It's a game of chess. I'm big chess player. And Trump, with these international deals he's doing, he's playing chess. And keep in mind by the way, I'm no political... If you're in the comments hating on me, I am... I don't know much about politics. Frankly. I know a little bit. I know a little bit. But I don't know a lot. And this is just an average everyday perspective. But I hope for those of you who have an open mind, who are not immediately going into rebuttals against everything I'm saying while you're listening to this, can hear me out and listen to me, okay? Because I think this is actually very important. So, that's number 1.

Number 2 is isolationism. And while Trump, you know, says a lot of things about other countries, from his actions, I don't see us really going into any major Wars. I see Trump trying to avoid Wars as much as possible. I see him doing a lot of things to really try to stay out of giving other countries money, of giving other countries aid, of giving other countries, you know, the ability of our army or all that stuff. And I frankly like that. I think we should be focusing more on this country, on our country and not be looking at wars or acting as global peacekeepers or spreading our global capitalist agenda to other countries.

Let other countries be. If African nations want to do what they do, let them do that. If they don't... You know, if they're not investing in health care, big whoop. That's their problem. Let their people handle that, but we'll handle what's over here.

MAGA Doctrine (Charlie Kirk) POSITIVE Reviews (RECOMMENDED)

If independent philanthropists like Bill Gates want to give money to Africa, great. But you know, that's not our problem. I'm just saying Africa as kind of a you know, as a... You know, nothing against Africa is a representation of whatever. You know, I don't know all the issues but I know that we should be keeping our money for ourselves because I already pay way too many taxes and that brings me into number 3. Which is education. I believe education.

I'm a teacher, okay? I'm an online teacher. But the difference between me and other teachers is I teach for free on YouTube. I put out content every day on YouTube.

And I'm actually in the top 1% of the US population of income earners. I might even be in the top 0.1%. I don't even know. I haven't looked lately. But point being, I do pretty well and you know, I see the transition of our youth moving more and more and more out of the traditional education system which sucks you into debt. Which they don't get to choose their curriculums.

MAGA Doctrine (Charlie Kirk) NEGATIVE Reviews (RECOMMENDED)

You know, all this crazy stuff I believe it's brainwashing. I believe it's societal brainwashing. And Trump's policies of being able to, you know, help people choose schools and also the fact that he's playing hardball with these colleges and saying, "Hey, I'm not scared to take funding away from you because the government supports a lot of our education system right now.

And I it is the most... It is the biggest part of our economy of our society that is messed up." Now, as a teacher myself, I am teaching people and I have to fight for every single minute of my students attention spans. I'm teaching on YouTube and I have courses that cost one twentieth of the cost of a traditional college education but my students say deliver 20 times the value of what they learned in college. I am an independent educator and Trump gave massive tax breaks last year 20% tax breaks last year to people in the education space which I am very thankful of. And I was able to save a lot of money. Actually it ended up being my tax refund, ended up being hundreds of thousands of dollars into my bank account.

YouTube Secrets Mike Williams

I actually just to illustrate my point. I loaded up a gun and I want to say thank you Trump for the massive tax breaks. Thank you for not playing by the politically correct rules that I will get in the haters comments down below.

And I'm being outright. I'm being transparent on being verbal and I'm saying vote Trump 2020. I believe it's fighting for our country. Our economy is getting better. Our education system is getting better and our society and our youth hopefully are getting better.

So, let the hate begin. If you don't like this video, click off. Go to the next video. But if you identified with this, let me know your thoughts in the comments. And actually, if you're a major YouTube or watching this, I love to debate you.

So, I will love anybody who has a large following on YouTube. I would love to do a livestream debate with anybody about any issue. I'll put it out there. But a moderated debate. We need a moderator and I will take you down. So, let's go. Let's have fun and comment below. I'd love to read your thoughts.

Have a good day.

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