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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d


Hello there my friend! If you have ever wondered how to make $100 a day online from Google, then you are in for a treat because in the video below, I am going be showing you how to get Google money the right way and the fastest way.
Courtesy: Jay Brown

You will know exactly how to make $100 fast. And Make 100 dollars a day With this even while you sleep at night... This method has never been seen before online on youtube anywhere. At least I haven't seen it.

The method that I will be breaking down in the video will show anyone how to earn money no matter who they are... Even if you are a broke college kid a teen or a factory worker this is the easiest way to make money online, and the quickest way to get to one hundred dollars a day.

This method will only work using google

YouTube Secrets Mike Williams

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online" The Super Affiliate System is a complete affiliate marketing training system that shows people how to create massively profitable affiliate campaigns.
free training super affiliate system john crestani


Here's the video transcription for non-English native speaker with no good listening skill:

hey what's going on YouTube fam I am

back it's been a long time but boy don't

I got some great content for you today

I'm gonna be showing you step-by-step

the easiest ways on how to make $100

every single day using Google this has

never been seen before on YouTube and

broke down the way I'm gonna break it

down for you today so stay tuned so the

first thing I want to do is start out by

saying it don't matter who you are what

part of the world you from your

educational background even if you are a

broke college kid to a factory worker

like I used to be you still can do this

only if you follow what I'm about to

show you step by step I'm saying this

because a lot of people like to skip to

certain parts of the video but this is

one video that you want to watch every

single second of and you know to get

what I'm saying guys because this is

crucial information now if this is your

first time at my videos and you're

always looking for the best ways to make

money online hit that subscribe button

right now so you can stay updated every

time I drop a video now $100 a day from

Google is it possible yes it's 100%

possible but I want you to keep in mind

that this is not something that I just

came up with these are actually proven

methods that people are using right now

to make $100 every single day some

people making even more than that I've

actually used to use this back in the

past before I started affiliate

marketing but I stopped doing it because

I got real good with affiliate marketing

but back in the day guys this was the

easiest way to make a hundred dollars a

day and I'm surprised people are not

talking about it you know the people who

you know actually do this they probably

just want to you know keep it to

themselves but your boy Jade gonna show

you exactly how to do it so let's hop on

my computer right now okay the first

thing we're gonna be doing is coming to

our old friend Google here this is the

first website we're going to use and

we're also going to use

called flicks press.com some of you

probably heard me talk about this site

on one of my older videos but this is

something different here guys so pay

attention the next website we're going

to be using is a site called blackhat

links now with this site it's gonna be

optional it's gonna be like you know

it's gonna give you a boost and what

we're gonna be doing but it's totally

optional you don't have to use it and

I'm gonna explain a little more about

this later so the next thing we're gonna

do guys this is what you want to do you

want to come to Google you want to

search for small businesses in different

cities and towns I recommend starting

off with a city or town near you first

but that's totally optional like if you

live in another country or something you

can search in the US that's fine but as

you can see I got dentists and Baytown

Texas here I'm searching for dentists

you can also search for any industry you

want like you can look up accountant you

can look up mortgage broker fitness

coach plumbing whatever you want to do

I'll leave a list below this video so

you won't be confused on what to look

for but first let me tell you what

you're going to be doing here so you

will know what's going on what you're

going to be doing and what I'm gonna

show you how to do is rank these small

businesses and services on the front

page of Google with a professional video

ad with high quality editing with high

quality actors these videos right here

every company out there will love to

have it the problem is is they don't

have time to do this because they're too

busy working on other parts of their

company and if you can get a video ad on

the front page of Google which I'm going

to show you how to do it's gonna

generate these companies daily leads and

daily sales and they're gonna love you

for it they're gonna pay you anywhere

from $10 to up to $60 per lead guys and

it only takes one video to make $100 per

day so let's get back into it so right

here I got dentists in Baytown Texas


make sure when you're searching

somewhere make sure you put the industry

here and then you want to put the city

and state if you're doing somewhere near

you just put the industry name and then

you can put near me it's just as simple

so then you're gonna click search and

you're gonna scroll down and I like to

start right here guys where it says the

best ten dentists in Baytown Texas this

is yelp.com I like to start here first

you can actually start in this box first

if you want but I'm gonna start here so

I'm gonna click this and then you're

going to come to this page now you want

to look through these and find out which

one you want to work with first just

make sure you only choose one guys you

don't want to do a whole bunch at one

time you want to do one at a time so I'm

gonna look through this and I'm gonna

start with let's start with joy Dental

Center now you're gonna come to this

page right here and the next thing you

want to do you want to whip out your

phone your tablet or you can simply go

old-school with the pen and paper the

reason why you want to do that because

you want to write down some information

guys you want to write down their phone

number here their website if they have

an email you want to write that down and

then you want to also find out a little

information about the company how

everything work I mean how good they are

and they're gonna have a ton of reviews

here this is why I like to go to the 10

best dentists because they tend to have

a lot of good reviews and you won't want

to go crazy writing down every single

detail this is not gonna take long at

all just find a little something good

about them and just jot it down and you

also can visit their website and find a

lot of good information about the

company we're gonna click right here

where it says welcome right here where

it says patient information guys you can

get a lot of good information right here

a lot of them I have about section that

you can look through and we also can use

this for our video which I'm gonna show

you later so like I said guys you can


through these testimonials here and just

jot it down guys don't write down

everything because it's gonna take way

too long you'd only need a little

information and the next thing you're

gonna do is head over to flicks press

calm don't go there now I'm gonna have

all the details below this video but you

need to know how this work first so the

next thing you want to do when you go

over to flicks press calm you want to

click right here where it says sign up

and get started you're gonna fill out

this basic information here user name

first name last name email address

password confirm password and they're

gonna see you were email and then you

want to confirm that email and then

login I already have account so I'm

gonna log in and you're gonna come to

this page now flicks press this site

right here a lot of people don't know

about it guys you can create stunning

high quality high end video ads on this

website you can also create intros this

right here is a lifesaver when I started

this strategy back in the day we didn't

have this guys it was hard you had to

spend a lot of money to get an ad

created it can take thousands of dollars

to get ahead created with this site you

got professional actors also just like

the commercials you see on the TV you

can get all of that here guys at a very

low cost you can actually sign up and

get started for free a lot of this stuff

is for free and you don't even have to

spend that much money but it's well

worth it because what I'm gonna show you

how to do you can make a ton of money so

after you log in the next thing you're

gonna do is make sure that this tab

right here is selected where it says

automated templates and then you want to

click right here where it says ads and

you're gonna come to this page right

here guys these are gonna be different

video ads for different industries

choose whichever industry that you're

gonna be going after I'm gonna choose

dentist as you can see you got

automotive you got cleaning you got

beauty you got event planning

you got I care there are a ton of

different industries here I'm gonna

choose dentists right here I'm gonna

pause cuz we don't want to hear that but

as you can see these are professional

actors high quality videos guys a lot of

people don't know about this I said at

the beginning of this video and if you

get one of these commercials on the

front page of Google for these different

businesses they're gonna love you for


trust me all of them may not do it but

you only need one to get to $100 a day

and you can keep replicating this doing

it over and over and over and make even

more money than that so the next thing

you want to do is click right here where

it says customize now and this is where

you're gonna be editing the ad and trust

me it's it's just click click click

there's nothing hard about it click

right here where it says image and I'm

just gonna upload any old image for the

sake of this video and then I'm gonna

click proceed and right here is where

you can like resize your image but I'm

gonna click next and this is why I told

you to write down the website the phone

number and all of that because you're

gonna enter all that stuff right here

for the ad the website the ad text the

titles you're gonna put that here now

you can keep messing with these guys

until you get it right you don't have to

have it perfect trust me when you keep

doing this you're gonna get better and

better and better the next thing you

want to do is download it and save it to

your device you can choose 720p or 1080p

so after you got to save to your device

the next step is to get them on the

front page of Google but first I'm gonna

explain why that is very important for

them and why they're gonna love you for

it because if you go back to Google and

you look on the front page here

let's tell me what you see if you don't

already know

there is not one single video here for

that business right here joy dental

there is not one single video on the

front page and if I click right here

where it says more and go to videos you

don't see it here no we're actually

there ain't a YouTube video on the front

page no where and what that means for

you now if you go to most of these

little cities and towns this is what

you're going to see and that's why it's

gonna be super easy to get them on the

front page because the competition is

very very thin and most of the time all

you have to do is just upload the video

but there are certain things that you

need to do to ensure that you get on the

front page and that's what I'm gonna

show you how to do now so the next thing

you want to do is create a Google

account the reason why you want to do

that because that's going to give you

access to YouTube Google owns YouTube

and also YouTube videos are a lot easier

to rank on a front page because Google

whole thing is to keep people on their

platforms so you want to create a Google

account and once you've done that you're

gonna have access to YouTube now right

here I'm just using account that I old

account that I had but you want to make

sure that you name this the same keyword

that you're going after like dentists in

Baytown Texas but this is an old account

and I'm gonna show you you know if you

have a whole account how you can change

the name you can click right here then

you can click on this little wheel here

and right here guys where it says edit

on Google you can change this name if

you want but make sure you name it the

same keyword that you're going after

because that's gonna help you rank in

Google for YouTube it don't matter but

when it comes to Google that's gonna

help you rank so I'm gonna go back and

the next step is to click upload video

and then you're gonna select the video

file that you saved to your device and

I'm gonna choose this video right here

and right here

in the title bar right here you want to

put the keyword that you're going after

right here dentists and Baytown Texas

make sure it's at the beginning because

it's gonna be a lot easier for the

search engines to pick it up and rank

you a lot quicker and then after you put

the keyword at the beginning you want to

put the phone number at the end so I'm

gonna go and get the phone number this

right here so when people see the video

on the front page and watch it it'll be

easy for them to give that company a

call so I'm gonna click copy go back and

paste it right there

now with the description I'm going to go

to their website and remember this part

right here where I said patient

information well you can copy all of

this or some of it that's totally up to

you and you could just paste it right

here guys and now this is the most

important part right here

copy that keyword again and put it at

the beginning of the description do this

every time and actually put the number

down there as well and with the keywords

these are the tags and this right here

guys this is gonna help you get on the

front page really quick and I'm going to

show you another method that you can use

that can give you a boost but it's

optional but I'm going to show you how

to do it anyway so with the tags you

want to copy dentists in Baytown Texas

and you don't want to put a whole bunch

of tags down here at all because if you

do it's gonna take you a longer time to

rein with YouTube when you're just

trying to rank on YouTube you can like

put a lot of tags here it really don't

matter but when it comes to Google it's

totally different guys

so you want to make it as simple as

possible if you want to rank for other

keywords you can go out there and make a

video for each keyword but you targeting

one specific keyword dentists and

Baytown Texas or whatever you're going

after so now that I got all of this done

I'm going to click publish and that's

all I'm gonna do the next thing you want

to do is go over to this site like I

said this site is completely optional

you have to pay a little money you know

in order to use this site but it's not a

whole lot and like I said you don't have

to use it but it will give you a huge

boost and what we're going to be doing

is linking our video to articles and

blogs and things like that to give it a

boost in the search engine because when

Google know that there are backlinks out

there on different web sites it's going

to make it a lot easier to rank these

keywords are not competitive at all so

it really don't take this but if you

just want that extra push guys you can

come to this website and create a count

and right here where it says backlinks

you got comments you got web 2.0 you got

wikis you got PB ends and bookmarks I

like to start with quality comments

first so I'm gonna click on that and

then you can scroll down and for 100

backlinks you can click order and it's

gonna give you 100 and that's usually

all you need but if you do need more you

can come in here or you can just get 500

at one time I wouldn't go over 500

because if you start going into the

thousands it's just gonna look like spam

to Google so you can start with 100

first you click on that and once you

upload your video when you click publish

matter of fact I'll go ahead and do that

now for you you click publish and you're

gonna get this little link right here

you copy that link and you paste it

right here

and then you want to put your keyword

right here this is all they need so I'm

gonna go back and get the keyword I'm

gonna paste it right here I'm gonna

delete the phone number and right here

guys you just pay the money and they're

gonna take care of all that for you you

don't need no technical knowledge of

this at all you don't need to know SEO

they're gonna go out there and do it for

you and like I said it's gonna give you

a boost in the search engine now I'm

gonna show you how you can get paid by

doing this you probably been wondering

that the whole time well I'm about to

show you and it's way easier than you

think now when you went to their website

or when you went to Yelp their contact

information will be right here in this

little box now if you already got it

wrote down like you supposed to had done

contact them guys that's all you do this

is easy contact them and say look I have

a professional commercial on the front

page of Google for your company and they

can either choose to work with you or


most of these businesses if they see

they have a video on the front page

they're gonna work with you because they

already know the power you don't even

have to do any selling telling or

explaining just show them the proof and

most of them will work with you if they

don't all you have to do is take the

video down from YouTube and go back and

find someone else this is not a lot of

work on your part I'll show you the

process of how to get them on the front

page that's not hard if they don't want

to work with you you can go through more

people and only do one at a time now

remember this little box right here

where you can click more places and you

can actually look through this you can

go back and just look through all of

these guys you can go to even go to the

second page matter of fact the people on

the second page are willing to pay even


because they are not being seen at all

it's that easy you can go to their

social media I have them pulled up right

here on Facebook and you could click

right here where it says send a message

and you can send them a message and just

tell them like look I got you on the

front page commercial you work out a

deal with them and they can either

choose to pay you per lead for every

phone call you get them like I said

these some of these companies pay from

$10 to up to $60 per lead let's say if

you're making $10 per lead and you get

them 10 phone calls a day that's $100 a

day for just one video that's it guys

and you can keep replicating this over

and over you can hit every city in town

the sky's the limit here and the crazy

thing is a lot of people with do this

but they'll go out there and try to

contact these businesses first and try

to tell them what they can do and how

they can do it but the crazy thing is

they don't believe them because they

don't have any proof or they're not

being referred by somebody you know but

you're gonna have the proof you're gonna

know how to do this so they're gonna

believe you when they see it with their

own eyes they're gonna be like man this

is valuable I'm on the front page of

Google I hope you guys enjoyed this

video if you did don't forget to hit

that subscribe button because you don't

want to miss any content from me and

also if you know someone that this video

may help share this video hit that share

button below and share with them maybe

you are already making money online well

help someone else got guys go out there

on your social media and share this

video hello my friend one quick second

before y'all go I want to actually show

you some proof that what I was teaching

in that video actually work I'm right

now I'm on Google dentists in Baytown

Texas and as you can see I'm in

incognito mode right here and I'm gonna

click search and as you can see page

number one that video that I uploaded

Denton's in Baytown Texas is right here

on the front page and there's only been

21 hours now if I were to

leave this video up which I'm not

because it's just a video for

demonstration purpose and it's nothing

on it but if I were to leave this video

up it will eventually crawl to the top

to list up here and that's good enough

to go out there and contact these

companies but the longer is stay up it

will eventually pop up right here if you

do exactly what I laid out in that video

now if it didn't I will probably go over

and get some links on blackhat links you

know but like I said that part right

there is optional as long as you got the

video on this page it can be down here

somewhere you can still reach out to the

company but it's even better if it's up

here because if it's at the top it's

gonna be generating that company some

phone calls and they're gonna be

wondering where these calls coming from

so guys I hope y'all enjoyed this video

I am gone this time I just wanted to

show you some proof because I know a lot

of people out there making these YouTube

videos and not actually doing what they

preach so I just wanted to show you how

that and I'll see you on the next one
