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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d

GET YouTube Subscribers in 2019 | MARISSA ROMERO Channel

You can learn some tricks to get YouTube Subscribers in 2019
Courtesy: Marissa Romero
YouTube Secrets Mike Williams
What's up everybody ? My name is Marissa. And in this video today if you guys are serious about getting subscribers on YouTube in 2019 you're gonna want to watch this entire video because you don't that means you're not really serious about getting results on YouTube in 2019.

Growing a YouTube channel, having a successful YouTube channel means very different things to many people. But there's a couple of metrics that stick out in my mind that make a channel a successful channel and one of the first things to me that makes a youtube channel successful is building an Audience, a community of like-minded people that are all on the channel and a group of the channel for a certain reason, for a certain goal and are there to get some of the similar results.

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The other way I view a youtube channel as successful is it could be smaller with, you know, maybe as little as 5,000 to 10,000 subscribers, you know, all the way up to a hundred thousand subscribers and it could still be very successful what I mean by that is it could be you can have a sustainable business with your YouTube channel because for example there are YouTube channels that have millions of subscribers and they can't even pay their rent. They don't know how to create a sustainable business for themselves on YouTube.

In this video I'm gonna go over my top tips on getting started or continuing to grow your YouTube channel and get subscribers in 2019.

So, to continue this conversation I wanted to get some ice cream and uh and that brings me to one of my first topics. It is make content that matters and make content that is specific. For example, if you're gonna have a YouTube channel about how to make ice cream and you know previews and building an ice cream business make it specific to be about ice cream.

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Now right now, I'm actually in the replica domain you kind of incentive. Oh bingo and I just wanted to stop and get some ice cream to continue this conversation which reminds me if you guys are interested in seeing my travel videos as well and more content about online business and self growth, go ahead and subscribe to the channel, hit the notification bell and like this video if you get any value from it.

At all going back to making specific content about a certain topic is really important especially in the beginning when you're trying to grow your channel. Because the more specific you are in the beginning of growing your channel the faster your channel is going to grow.

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And watch time is one of the number one metrics when you look at the YouTube analytics. So, make sure your content specific. But somebody arrives on one of your videos they know exactly what what it is they're gonna watch and exactly what your video is about.

For example, on my channel people know when they come to my town the first thing that it's about online business travel and also like motivational slash self growth in those types of videos. The second thing I wanted to mention is you don't have to do daily vlogs the time and period of daily vlogs have passed and I wouldn't want you to think that you have to produce a daily blog every single day we've kind of evolved from that you know daily vlog, you know, past whatever you want to call it and so I do recommend if you have a channel you can still do a vlog here and there but don't make it a daily habit maybe make it like a featured vlog the trip if you're traveling or maybe up behind-the-scenes if you're doing somethig technical.

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That's what I would recommend you're doing for doing a blog if you still want do bucks but do not do them every single day the next tip I have is to find what works and you'll you can figure this out obviously from the views you get find what works and duplicate it you know create it over and over the same type of content that people enjoy.

Also what you can do talking about that subject is you can also create an episodic series of videos. So like episode 1 or part 1 part 2 part 3 and people will binge watch those videos and it will continue to you know watch your channel over and over there's channels that have that all they have this episode.

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So they have a 5 video episode series of traveling in New York City or, you know, whatever it is whatever their channel is about and those channels do very very well because people want to, you know, believe they're not want to watch series 1 through 5 and so they will be more loyal if you choose to do an episodic series alright and the reality is guys YouTube is not easy YouTube is extremely hard and that's why the majority of the world is not on YouTube because it takes kisses 50 and that's why I'm not here and the streets you know with all this noise is still creating content for you guys because it keeps me excited every single day if I diversify my surroundings because the point is you can really have a burn out with YouTube it's very common to get burnt out with YouTube and making these videos.

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So you really have to be dedicated and work on it every single day and maybe that's not filming a video every single day maybe that's thinking of a new video idea every single day or writing down your scripts and mapping out your videos or maybe it's creating a thumbnail for your next video any progress is good progress on YouTube any progress that you do to make your channel grow and to make your content better is going to be good for you in the long run.

Okay the next thing I wanted to talk about was to make yourself discoverable on YouTube and to use all the types of discovery systems that you can not just the search bar because yes you want to be able to make your videos searchable and so people can find you but you want to use all the discovery systems as well such as the homepage on YouTube and such as popping up in other people's suggested video.

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So what I recommend you to do is to make that one thumb, you know, eye catching thumbnail i catching title put it together make it a title that people are can't resist to click on when they see it in the home section or when they see it on the list of suggested videos of related channels people are gonna click on it and that is how you can get more traffic all right.

So now I'm back in the house away from all the noise well kind of not really there's still cars and stuff out there gas stations but whatever I'm back in the house the next point I wanted to make about getting subscribers in 2019 on YouTube was of course to do collaborations now what does this mean that means collaborate with other channels that are in your niche whether they are smaller bigger reach out to people connect with people some people are going to say yes some people are gonna say no but at the end of the day it's about expanding your viewership expanding your brand and getting awareness to your channel.

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So do collaborations if you can and whenever possible the next thing is make it worth it make it worth people's time for them to watch your videos because at the end of the day time is everybody's most valuable resource.

So you don't want to waste people's time with them watching your video. So what you can do is always look for ways to improve your content whether that's an introduction video improving maybe you have some basic graphics some titles, some little effects you can add to your video whatever it is, make it so good that people want to come back over and over and continue to watch your videos.

And one of the last things I wanted to say about getting subscribers in 2019 for your YouTube channel is to watch your competitors in your same niche, those channels that are getting better results in you and have more subscribers because they are obviously doing something right and YouTube isn't about reinventing the wheel reinventing knowledge, you know, resolidifying things that haven't been, you know, discovered or talked about before YouTube just purely about sharing your information and and my number one tip really is to model after what works do your research before you do a video. Research maybe four to five videos take notes add your own content add your own ideas put it all together make it authentic, make it your own and deliver the content.

Now I hope this video was valuable for you guys and it gave you some ideas on what you can and cannot do with your YouTube channel in 2019. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions and how you're gonna improve your YouTube channel some ideas, that you have and most importantly go take some action after watching this video.

Okay guys, my name is Marissa and I will see you on the next video.

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