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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d

Legendary Marketer Review 2019 - Is It a Scam?

There are many accusations towards Legendary Marketer being a scam, but most of those that claim so will instead tell you to join a different opportunity... So who's the scammer then really?
Courtesy: Funnel Secrets

The value and that Legendary Marketer is providing in their educational programs is super high quality. Regardless if you're speaking of the 15-day free challenge, or their $12,000 masterminds (from what I've been told).

So if you're looking for the best place to learn the skills required to succeed online, Legendary Marketer is probably one of the best places to start.

Legendary Marketer is by no means a scam or an MLM. First of all, they only have one level in their affiliate program.

But you can't even become an affiliate for them without going through their initial training that teaches you the correct skills. The skills they teach you will let you promote any affiliate offer successfully, not just Legendary Marketer if you chose to promote them at all.

YouTube Secrets Mike Williams

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online" The Super Affiliate System is a complete affiliate marketing training system that shows people how to create massively profitable affiliate campaigns.
free training super affiliate system john crestani


Here's the video transcription for non-English native speaker with no good listening skill:

if you're looking for a legendary market

or review for 2019 you've come to the

right place my name is Marcus harden

welcome to funnel secrets and today

we're gonna talk about legendary

marketer and particularly I'm gonna

introduce you to their brand new 15 day

business builder challenge this

challenge has been around for quite a

while now but what Dave and legendary

marketer has done is that they revised

the whole challenge and included some

incredible brand new training as part of

the challenge even the first video for

day one is almost an hour long and it

previously it was a lot shorter than

that and now it's really really high

quality training and this video in

particular the day one training contains

a big segment from one of Dave's live

presentations from one of his mastermind

events which are like twelve thousand

dollars to attend and he's giving you

that for free on the first day now if

you want to design up for the challenge

it's absolutely free to attend and Dave

is a person who has done over two

hundred million dollars in sales with

previous companies and I know that a lot

of people has and thinks that Dave is a

scammer or you know you know he's a bad

person or whatever but the thing is what

you need to understand is has he done

things in the past that he that he

regrets in terms of business decisions

and things like that I'm sure he has but

you need to look at what he is providing

you and the value that he's actually

giving away it's absolutely crazy so

even he if some of the things that he's

done in the past hasn't been the best

you need to still think about the fact

that he's done two hundred million

dollars in sales okay so he's not a

small player by any means and he really

knows his stuff and it is definitely

someone you should take advantage of

learning from when he is teaching you

for free so the challenge you can join

again it is free first link in the

description below you can find the

challenge link which will take you to

this page and then you can sign up there

and as you can see you don't need a

credit card it's 100% free Dave is an

absolute legend he really looks after

all the the members within the the

private Facebook group and always helps

anyone out there who has any questions

or need any help okay as you can see

here he had some tough tough times as he

was growing up he was homeless a high

school dropout and he also had a

a drug addiction and once he got clean

he did 200 million dollars in sales

online he's trained over 300,000

students worldwide and and he's created

over 12 millionaire students Forbes has

quoted him and he can see the article if

we click the quoted him hyperlink there

as one of the masterminds of this

industry okay when it comes to building

your a profitable online business

there's a few things and a few important

and concepts that you need to keep in

mind what they will teach you throughout

this training is to focus on programs

and focus on offers if you're doing

affiliate marketing for example which

has high opt-in rates on the front end

and then all the way through the back

end that they actually offer high ticket

programs because high ticket is where

the you know the real money is gonna

come in like if you or someone who

focuses on promoting Amazon products for

example it's gonna be very hard to make

it to reach a point where you're making

a lot of money because you're only gonna

be get paid like five to ten bucks per

sale and you only get paid on that first

sale yes you get paid on the whole cart

value for each product that they buy but

if they come back later and buy

something else you're not gonna get paid

again okay I need to come straight

through your link every time they


whereas if if you pick affiliate

programs and offers that means that

you're the kind of like you're sticky

you're going to get credit for every

purchase they make in the future and the

offers that you promote have you know

long back ends with high ticket offers

and and no really good things like that

that means that you only need to focus

on bringing those people in for the low

end offer so for the free offers and and

all of that stuff okay now legendary

marketer previously used to be kind of

like a network marketing or a

multi-level marketing kind of deal where

the whole thing was to bring in two

legendary marketer and then purchased

those products and then promote those

products to other people so they the

whole thing was based on buying their

products so you can promote them okay

it's no longer like that and you'll see

that when you go through this 15-day

challenge for yourself that they are

actually teaching you super super good

skills that are highly relevant to

anything you might want to

in terms of internet marketing or

affiliate marketing and when it comes to

becoming a an affiliate it's actually a

lot harder than you think because they

don't live they take in the focus away

from promoting legendary marketers

products okay so to become an affiliate

you actually have to finish the whole

15-day challenge and then within the

affiliate program you can then apply for

that affiliate program but they don't

even accept everyone for the affiliate

program anyway so you might not even get

in they will teach you the skill set

that you need to be able to make money

online regardless if you choose to

promote legendary marketers products or

if you should choose to go with other

high ticket affiliate programs okay and

it's not just about affiliate marketing

you can use these skills that they've

teaches you to sell your own products so

use it for your own brick-and-mortar

business or anything else

along those lines okay and so the

legendary marketer 15 the free business

challenge is really really good I'm

going obviously I've gone through the

old challenge before and now that I'm

within the new challenge here I've only

so far come today to but I can tell you

that the the video for day 2 which is

the for the core for top high ticket

business models online this is probably

one of the best videos that you will

ever watch if you're a beginner when it

comes to online marketing and affiliate

marketing because within this video see

if I can actually show you part of the

video here which is like the key to the

whole concept of being successful online

which is this here all you need to do is

focus on your traffic sources as an

affiliate and send that traffic to an

opt-in page which is then taking them to

a bridge page and then you've already

got their email address so you can then

keep sending them email and bring them

back to all these products and then this

whole process here will take be taken

care of by the company that you've

introduced them to and if they have a

back-end with products that go up to you

know five thousand ten thousand dollars

that pay high commissions

then you will you all you need to do is

simply just focused on sending them to

these opt-in pages and then later along

the line you're going to get paid high

ticket commissions on those posts if you

just focus on driving the traffic they

will take care of the rest okay now it's

really cool about the 15 day free

challenge that they do and instead for

one it's been updated and the quality of

the training that seen here is

absolutely incredible it's really really

good I can't wait until I go through

everything and the second thing is that

you actually get access to an advisor

that will help you tailor the steps that

you need to take depending on what

you're looking to do yourself and your

current skill set and your current goals

because it's gonna be different for

everyone I have never heard or seen

another challenge before where you get

your own personal advisor or success

coach or wherever you want to call it

that will help tailor and the education

that you're going through specifically

for you now this call here a lot of

people think that this is gonna be like

a hard sell to buy any of the other

products and things of that and that's

not what it is it's it truly is just to

give you help along the way to see where

you're at to give you help where you

might need the help now if it is if it

does suit if they have products that

suits your situation or suit you know

can help you get to where you want to go

of course we're going to offer those

products for you but it's not a hard

sell by any means okay you can even go

in and actually purchase any of the

products without schedule scheduling

your call first because they're not just

gonna sell you any of these products

just because they can okay so if I try

to go in to buy the business blueprint

for a failed marketing here what ends up

happening is I need to contact my

business advisor first because I cannot

buy this this is a two and a half

thousand dollar product and they are

telling me that I cannot buy the product

without speaking to someone first so I

hope you understand that these guys are

not what most people think they are a

legitimate education company and they

truly teach you invaluable skills when

it comes to online marketing in

affiliate marketing and has some really

really good products as well and I have

up one of my friends went to one of

their masterminds recently it was his

first most of mine with these guys and

he said it was one of the best live

events he's ever been to which should

tell you a lot okay David is a really

really good guy and I can see the

interaction he has with his students in

the Facebook group and it really makes

me a bit upset when people talk

about him when they haven't actually

gone through any of his training himself

okay now

I am a member of the legendary marketers

Club as well which is a paid membership

level where you have weekly coaching

calls or live classes as well as all the

previous live live trainings are

available for replays and you have

exclusive interviews with some of their

top affiliates as well as with the

former toy shark tank original Kevin

Harrington and heaps of other stuff

about growing a YouTube channel and what

to do and say - some more stuff and and

how to use story to sell more things and

this training is really really good and

there's a lot like you get access to

these live classes every week and that

alone is worth the $30 a month that you

pay for the legendary marketers Club but

at the end of the day I don't think you

should start there I honestly think that

the 15 day challenge is one of the best

things you can do if you are dreaming of

or if your goal is to actually make

money online or start up a profitable

online business because the things that

you will learn but in this challenge you

can apply to pretty much anything it

doesn't have to be affiliate marketing

you can use it to sell ecommerce product

or sell consulting or sell other

services it could be SEO or digital

marketing services like there is no

limit to what way you can use this skill

so it really hope that you take

advantage of taking this challenge and

schedule your call as soon as possible

because you get great bonuses when you

do so which is going to help you in your

journey and with going a profitable

online business so that's it for this

legendary marketer review and 20:19 stop

worrying so much about what other people

say and what what you read about

legendary marketer because at the end of

the day if you go through the training

and you see the value that's in there

you're going to be able to form your own

opinion okay now and as I said before

they are not just gonna make push you to

buy their products right away or promote

their products that they have themselves

it's more about their like the

overarching way of making money online

and how to do it and then if you want to

do that with the legendary marketer

product suite you can otherwise you can

just go out to find any other high

ticket product to promote okay that's it

for this video today guys if you have


since about the legendary marketer and

15-day challenge or the club or any of

the other products please let me know

below and I'll make sure to shoot a

video and explain it to you if you've

gotten any value out of this video

please give us a like it really helps us

out and subscribe for more videos to

come now we'll see you guys in the next

