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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d

How To Make A Facebook Chat Bot (Using Manychat)

Facebook bots are a powerful way to connect with people. In this video, I'm gonna show you how to make one.

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Here's the video transcription for non-English native speaker with no good listening skill:

So I'm gonna be showing you how to create a facebook chatbot in this video.

Facebook chatbots have helped me make a lot of money and they're them they're open rates are insane. So, if you're a marketer please pay attention because this can be an essential tool to helping you build your audience and monetize it.

Facebook chatbots are absolutely extraordinary the open rates of these messages are through the roof and I'm going to be showing you in this video how you how I set up my facebook chat bot using a program that's free called many chat and you can check out the pricing right here it's uh... it's totally free up to a certain number of users yes so, it's free check this out.

Unlimited broadcasts, you can have multiple sequences, growth tools comments tool, etc. So it's a really cool program that allows you to create chatbots for free and that's what we're gonna be using in this video to create our facebook chatbot. So, what is a bot?

Well, basically it's when you're on a Facebook page you can message somebody or you can get automated messages if you opt in to the bot. I'm not gonna do this right now but let's set up our bot.

Okay so here we are in my many chat account and what you do, you know, as you see I have about 8,000 I'm active subscribers right now.

Now to set everything up you want to go to automation, okay? So, I'm just gonna click right there and this gives you the main menu for messages but we want to actually go to welcome message right there so when somebody joins comes to our channel and clicks message us we'll just enter in our welcome message.

So, my welcome message is a little GIF you know I play a little GIF which says welcome it's not showing right now but I say hey first name and what's great about many chat is you can actually put people's names or whatever in the actual messages.

So let's click edit flow and I'm going to edit this area right here.

So if I wanted to say hey first name last name I could say hey and I just select as you saw I selected this little icon right here and I'm gonna select first name just say hey first name.


That's pretty cool because what that does is it personalizes it makes it so that the bot the messenger bot is actually saying the person's name from their Facebook profile. This is really cool it kind of freaks people out but uh it's very effective and we would see what this looks like over here on the right side as you see it's this weird man that says welcome and it says hey John Crestani nice to meet are you a member of my online marketing course Internet jet-set?

So, I'll just kind of delete that part as we see you know I haven't updated this in a while but uh we can see that we can change things we can even add in emojis if we want it to right here okay so I could add an emoji and you can do all sorts of really fun stuff and make it really personal. Other personal things you can do is you can actually put, you know, like their gender or their locale you know I could say how's the weather in, you know, their city.

Again, this is gonna really freak people out you're saying, oh hey John Crestani how's the weather in Los Angeles. Whoa, say I thought I was talking to a robot but that's how advanced these robots are pretty exciting.

You can really take things to the next level depending on what you're doing you can use their language, what time I you saw them last. Then, what we would do is we would click publish up here publish. And there we go we just published our updated welcome message.

Now, after you've created your welcome message you may want to have a follow up sequence you may want to send continually send people some some messages about what's going on.

And in that case you could do one of two things you could click broadcast and you could click up here and send everybody a message whenever you feel like it so everybody who's on your messenger list you could simply click this create broadcast and start typing your post. Hey you haven't seen you in a while what's up, how's life, have you subbed my YouTube channel yet it's got some great content.

So you could do something like that and send everybody in your list a broadcast and update them whatever you want them to do. Maybe you want them to subscribe to your other social media channels, maybe what you want them to do is buy a product, maybe what you want to do is give them tips or tricks on how to lose weight, you know, you could do whatever you want. We're not gonna go too deep into copy writing. What we are gonna go into is how to grow your many chat sequence.

So, right here you would go to growth tools okay and you would click that and you can get a number of ways to post your to get people on your list.

Now, what we would do is we would start with over here new growth tool and we'd want to click up there to get the different ways we can get people on our messenger list.

Now, if you have a website you can create a few different things. If you have a website you can use one of these one of these overlay widgets again this is if you have a website, Okay?

You can preview what this would look like if it was on your site, imagine this is your website and here is your website widget. Click send to messenger let's click back out of that or let's say we wanted a page takeover this widget would take over your page to get people to subscribe to messenger. There are other things you can do.

You can create a button, you can create a box on your website, but if you don't have a website what you could do is you could simply have people post a particular comment in facebook. You could say hey comment the word let's win and that person who commented on your Facebook page will be subscribed to your messenger list that's pretty cool.

You can also create a landing page so you can have them host the landing page for you.

You would select your information click Next Next Next and here is your landing page URL now what you'll see is I have a a website that actually allows me to send somebody to messenger and it's hosted on many chat that's pretty cool right?

What I prefer to do is I actually prefer to use their messenger reference URL. This URL just to get a link that I can post up so that people can join my many chat thing. There are other options as well for more advanced users but this is the easiest and I found the most straightforward, okay?

And I can enter people into a particular sequence let's just say I enter people into my 60-day sequence or I could enter people into my facebook four-day funnel click Next

I click Save up here and now I have my link boom and there we go that will move people along to subscribe them to my messenger and I'll be able to contact people just by sharing this link and say hey sign up to get my daily tips and tricks to losing weight or sign up for this link to get my daily woodworking, you know, to get a free woodworking plan every single day or sign up for this link to get a free training guide on every week on a new way to start an internet business.

Whatever it is that you are selling as an affiliate marketer as a marketer it's very easy to use Facebook Messenger to your advantage. The open rates are about 90 percent, okay? Every message you send gets read by about 90 percent of people.

So it's a very effective channel that's very untapped and there's a lot of money to be made doing that.

Hope this helped you out. Let me know in the comments if this helped you out.

Just type in "dude you rock" or like "yes I'm going to implement this in my business"

Love to hear give this video a big fat like and also, if you want to learn more about how to make money online or affiliate marketing make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell so that you can be aware of when I do live streams and giveaways of my six-week training course the super affiliate system talk soon.

Have a great day.