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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d

How To Get Traffic On YouTube | Work From Home Tips Make Money Online

Uploading and marketing your videos on YouTube can help give your content visibility in both YouTube and Google search. Today, we’ll explore four ways to optimize your YouTube channel to ensure your videos are being discovered. Watch and learn.

YouTube Secrets Mike Williams

free training super affiliate system john crestani

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"
The Super Affiliate System is a complete affiliate marketing training system that shows people how to create massively profitable affiliate campaigns.


Here's the video transcription for non-English native speaker with no good listening skill:

If you want to learn how to get traffic
on YouTube recently my channels been

growing and I'm gonna go over what I've
learned about getting traffic on YouTube

by picking your category your niche
posting frequency SEO and also

connecting with other Creators. Let's get it.

What is up you YouTube champion! So

I'm gonna go over what I've learned from
building and growing a YouTube channel

about getting traffic from YouTube. Now,
it's it's it's not a straightforward

process because the YouTube Gods are
complicated and moody and they seem to

change. I don't understand it too well
but I do understand that I love teaching

people and I love talking to people and
connecting and motivating other people.

So YouTube has always been something
that's been particularly interesting to

me. Now, I'm gonna go over each of these
five things that have helped me a lot in

growing my youtube channel.I know memes
claiming to be a YouTube SEO expert or

anything of that matter I mean they're
guys who are much smarter than me in

this field but I believe I do know
enough to share and hopefully you'll

derive some value from what I believe
has been responsible for my channels

growth. First thing that I found really
important is understanding what your

category is and I actually had huge
problems with this very fundamental

thing. There's a few different categories
of YouTubers really there's vloggers

okay you can you can do a lifestyle vlog
you can post music you can post how-to

videos okay
how-to videos or you could post films

you know or you know or you could do
game you know gaming right. So there's

There's some very broad categories of
YouTubers out there, now what my problem

was I kept wiffle waffling between these
two I was you know I was trying to blog

and then I was trying to do how-to
videos and I kind of confused that you

know getting subscribers to my channel
meant that

people wanted to hear about my life when
what people are really interested in my

channel for are learning how to do items.
Now YouTube's become so big it

encompasses so many different fields
it's unbelievable. People go to YouTube

just to learn how to fix a light bulb or
people go to YouTube just to listen to a

song but if you try to act like
you're in one niche when really people

are following you for another reason
that's gonna be a problem.

Now I built my audience because I was
putting up videos of how to do something

how to advertise on the internet how to
make money online using affiliate

marketing etc that's what I do and I
started blogging for a while I started

posting daily videos where I'm just kind
of saying motivational stuff and that

that was incongruent in my channel even
though I was posting daily my channel

never grew for a year because I believed
that people were interested in my vlogs

which was not true. People were
interested in learning from me how they

can benefit themselves to make money
online and that's not a problem that's

just what it is. So pick your category
first and foremost if you're gonna be a

gamer do it and stick to it. If you're
gonna vlog about your life and your

lifestyle and your relationships and
whatnot do it and stick to it. If you're

gonna post up films or how-to videos or
music do it and stick to it. Don't try to

mix two of these categories pick one and
stick to it and keep posting that sort

of content. The second important thing is
knowing your niche or you know also your

sub niche, okay? Now in my case my niches
make money online. I'm teaching people

how to make money on the internet very
simply and I'm also teaching people my

sub niche which is affiliate marketing,
affiliate marketing is a very specific

niche within making money online but
it's still important because there's an

audience of people who are just looking
for specifically tactics to be better

affiliate markers or to go deeper in
that business model. Now, I try to cater

my videos almost exclusively
to my niche and my sub niche because

that gives my channel authority in this
subject matter. Again, I'm a knowledge

expert in making money online and
affiliate marketing so I really focus on

those two things as well because that's
going to give me the best results in

terms of my videos are gonna be better
than anybody else's in the affiliate

marketing category simply because I've
made more money doing it than the other

people in this niche. I frankly believe I
know more than any other YouTuber about

affiliate marketing. Posting frequency is
another important aspect the the name of

the game is consistency consistency
consistency consistency consistency if

you aren't able to consistently post on
YouTube whether that's once a day once a

week once a month then you shouldn't be
doing YouTube. YouTube wants to see

consistency just like a TV show releases
a new episode every week at a particular

time the same time every single week.
YouTube wants to see that consistency as

well. YouTube really highly favors
consistent creators who are releasing at

the same time every week or every month
or every day. Casey Neistat, I watched a

video of him and he said just keep
uploading it's about just keeping

uploading and doing that consistently is
very important. Now SEO stands for search

engine optimization and this is a
subject I don't know much about but what

I do know is that I know they care about
embeds like if you embed your video

other places so I have a blog for
instance and I embed my video on my blog

because you know I have a blog post
about each of my videos and I embed my

video on that blog post because YouTube
likes that I guess. Also, I know the three

main metrics of YouTube to understand
that are really important is average

watch time they want to see people
watching your videos for at least four

minutes they look at session time
YouTube wants to see that people are not

just watching your videos but they're
staying on YouTube and watching more

videos. That's important keeping that
session length long and making it longer

is helpful for YouTube and the third one
is return rate, YouTube wants to see that

your users of your audience are
consistently coming back to YouTube.

You're not just doing some videos on
YouTube selling them product and keeping

them off of YouTube the rest of their
lives that would be horrible in

YouTube's mind. YouTube, what they
care about is people watching long

people staying on YouTube to watch more
videos and people coming back more

regularly to YouTube to watch videos
because they're part of your audience.

That's what YouTube looks at that's my
understanding of SEO so it's really

about just creating engaging content and
keeping people coming back to that.

The last step here is connecting. So,
connecting with other creators YouTube

is like any other business is that you
should be to really get an advantage you

need to be surrounding yourself with
other people in this space.

If you really want to make it on YouTube, go to vid summit you know Derral Eve's he's a very

prominent YouTuber who talks about SEO
stuff. He has a his conference for

YouTube creators to meet and mix and
mingle and talk about what strategies

are working up best. Going to events such
as that are gonna really help your

success in utilizing this amazing
platform that is replacing television,

Okay? or just local meetups or just
hanging out with other YouTubers who are

working on building their business off
of YouTube can be a really important

thing for for you because you may learn
some things your friend may learn some

things and it's a very it's a very
bumpin blue ocean YouTube is quickly

taking over a lot of media so being able
being on the cutting edge edge of the

wave is really gonna help you here in
building your audience and building your

business hopefully. I hope that helped
you out I'm really excited and really

honored by your support of my channel
and support of my teaching that I'm

doing here on YouTube. Thank you so much
for subscribing and liking my videos.

Feel free to comment below if if there's
anything any questions you have about

this or if I've inspired you for any
particular reason I would love to hear

your comments below. Now, if you're
not a subscriber already of mine make

sure you subscribe and hit the
notification bell to be informed of more

videos about me. Once again, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to

to be a teacher. I enjoy teaching and being
able to teach on the internet it's

simplement of my income and helped me
become a multi multimillionaire and I

really enjoy the process and I hope to
help continue to help more people make

money online so looking forward to
seeing you in future videos and

thank you so much for the support up until now


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The Super Affiliate System is a complete affiliate marketing training system that shows people how to create massively profitable affiliate campaigns.