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How Can I Work From Home With A Baby?

One of the perks of having to work at home is being able to spend time with your family but having a baby in your work space is not easy and I can say that because I personally work at home with one. Here are my tips for you, including jobs that you can and cannot do in this circumstance. Courtesy: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Wah! Wah! How do you work at home with a baby? Okay. I have a baby. I have a 2-year-old and I have another little girl on the way. So, I have a lot of experience about how to work at home with a baby. And I'm going to be going over in this video how you can work at home with a baby whether you can send them today or whether you just can't. I can't stand when it cries like that. I just have to go over and cuddle it. And I don't want to get fired from my job. Working at home with the baby is hard okay? I work at home with a baby and it can get frustrating sometimes because sometimes you just have to drop everything you're doing. Not d


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Here's the video transcription for non-English native speaker with no good listening skill:

hey guys John here so I'm gonna be

talking about in this video how to

separate hype from reality in doing

research this is something I haven't

heard many people address but I I'm

gonna talk about it because been a huge

proliferation in the number of online

courses recently that talked about

different money-making strategies all

across the board education is something

new I think really good education is

something new it's been the college

system for so long and now what we're

looking at is a totally new type of way

of doing things which is online

education which i think is really

exciting now understanding what is hype


reality is a big skill so how do you

separate it okay so I'm sure maybe you

guys are familiar with people I Grandin

birch or Tai Lopez Grant Cardone Sam

ovens Tony Robbins etc Marie Forleo

Daymond John there's a million of online

teachers now John crostini right there's

a lot of online teachers and

understanding who's doing a real

business or who's not is a good

foundation so first off the way to

understand - reality goes back to

backwards engineering how did this

person make their money how is this

person qualified to teach if they aren't

currently doing it so for example let me

think of an example maybe Marie Forleo

is teaching people how to start their

own business working from home she

currently does run her own business

working from home so you know she might

be an example but you always want to

look for how much money is the person

making is that along the lines of what

you can be making - what indicators can

you trust and you want to look for how

many other people are recognizing this

person Daymond John you can look up

public information you can look up

articles you always want to do your

research on the person itself Daymond

John there are people that hate him

there are people that love him but

nobody nobody argues the fact he started

FUBU which is a multi hundred million

dollar clothing brand he has some sort

of success massive success in business

and you can trust it but understanding

the hype a little more would be digging

a centimeter deeper and saying okay what

did he do within FUBU was he just

creating products or was he managing

people did he raise money did he build

it that way selling products just

hustling products on street corners did

he raise tens of millions of dollars and

hire really smart people that sold the

products for him right these are totally

different situations

and you want to understand whenever

you're talking to somebody or listening

to somebody who's a potential mentor

teacher you want to understand did that

person actually do the thing themselves

or did they hire people to do the thing

themselves so in my case you know I

started off affiliate marketing in 2009

I didn't raise any money I didn't get

any money from anybody else I basically

used my own cash and tried marketing

things and I sold things on eBay my

first ad buy was a 99-cent ad in the

classified section of eBay and that

99-cent ad turned into a $400 sale of an

online program it was like a physical

like DVD set so I turned that 99 cents

into $400 I did the media buying you

know in this case I was in college I was

doing the media buying that's my


AdWords Facebook ads native ads these

are all things I've done and I do and I

continue to do and I continue to buy ads

and I do so I'm an ads guy and I've been

talked a lot about doing ads and in fact

I show a lot of over my shoulder kind of

videos of me placing ads of me making

money with ads I've lots of screenshots

but I actually show people live me doing

the damn thing to separate hype from


can you see live in action videos of

them okay in field videos that's what I

call in field videos that's why I show

me doing actual stuff in the computer

there's another kind of crazy field

called pickup and it's of guys you know

or relationships of guys you know trying

to get dates with girls and they call it

in field footage and what took off in

that niche is instead of just having

guys talk about

oh don't text back girls immediately or

whatever you know they'd show in field

footage of people having conversations

role playing if you want to learn

negotiation you want to see the actual

in field situation of negotiation I mean

the best case scenario is having a

little secret camera placed in a

meeting and being able to watch that

negotiation happen live or being able to

watch those conversations happen live

because that's gonna be your best

separator of hype from reality when I

was looking for people to follow in

internet marketing when I was starting

out what I did to separate hype from

reality was I also looked for the

infield footage the over-the-shoulder

footage not just screenshots screenshots

can be photoshopped but I looked for

actual video of people's computer

screens doing the ad buys or doing the

optimization or doing the copywriting

narrating their notes everything along

those lines and that is meat and

potatoes and when you can find the

reality when you can find people who are

actually do er

not just managers not just outsourcing

stuff that's gold so look for that but

be aware there's a lot of hype you have

to be like a sleuth like you know doctor

was that guy Sherlock Holmes if to be

like Sherlock Holmes you know so anybody

you're talking to that's saying you know

hey I'm a big affiliate do your homework

figure out if they really are big

affiliate if they're spending twenty

five thousand dollars a night at clubs

in Vegas they're probably a big

affiliate so separate hype from reality

when you're figuring out who to follow

or who to listen to

etc so I hope that helps and just wanted

to throw that little nugget to watch out

for out there to help you guys