Some people think that being a Digital Nomad is like taking a giant holiday but this week's Vlog demonstrates that there is work involved and that it's also quite easy to live a normal life, working remotely on a holiday island such as Bali.
YouTube Secrets Mike Williams

Just on my way to work now. Denise likes to work from home but I prefer the office environment.

So, I'm on my way to a co-working space called Hubud. I've been following this space book quite a long time. So, I'm excited to finally have a working day here
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It's really… quiet here at 7:30 in the morning. It's hot and there's actually no power here at the moment but hopefully that changes soon.

They don't do pedestrian crossings here. Just got to take your pipe when you can.

Oh just finished up work for the day at a Hubud. It's much like working anywhere in the world, the Internet's just as good if not better than at the office and the workspace is comfortable.

So, yeah with something I do, doesn't really matter where you do it.

You can probably see the sweat dripping off my face. It's constantly hot here. So, you need to take a shower every time you come back. And luckily we have a beautiful prison shower to wash ourselves in.

Just finished up a long and stressful day at work. Definitely doesn't feel like a holiday at this stage. I think we're going to go have another massage and I just to de-stress from everything.

Yeah, just a normal life here in a Ubud. We've had such a stressful day today that we're back at the REM Berlin spa here in Ubud. And it's only Tuesday I'm up to a second massage but yep for um $5… 6300 that's round enough to 560

How's that massage going? Have a tea going

Just finished up my third day of remote full-time work. It's actually a pretty good day in the end. I'm gonna go back now and do the laundry ruff to do the laundry just going to take it down the local laundry cleaners

It's Friday my first-ever full-time remote work week. Now in the back. So, I'm going to chill out for the rest of the day until the night when Denise and I are going to a social event with some other Hubud members.

So, this week's vlog might not have been too exciting. But it's an accurate representation of our lives here in Bali while working full time. Just goes to show you that you can work a full time job remotely and live a pretty normal life in a developing country like Indonesia.